There are righteous men to whom it happens according to the deed of the wicked, and there are wicked men to whom it happens according to the deed of the righteous

Kohelet 8:14

Lelio Stock

Lelio Stock

Lelio Stock
  • Information source


Family tree

Lelio Stock

(June 28, 1870June 28, 1870 Gregorian
June 16, 1870 Julian
Sivan 29, 5630 Hebrew
, Split - 19401940 Gregorian
1939 Julian
5700 Hebrew

(March 11, 1830March 11, 1830 Gregorian
February 27, 1830 Julian
Adar 16, 5590 Hebrew
, Trieste - 18991899 Gregorian
1898 Julian
5659 Hebrew
, Split)

(October 10, 1840October 10, 1840 Gregorian
September 28, 1840 Julian
Tishrei 13, 5601 Hebrew
- 19111911 Gregorian
1910 Julian
5671 Hebrew
, Split)

(18851885 Gregorian
1884 Julian
5645 Hebrew
, Zara - 19441944 Gregorian
1943 Julian
5704 Hebrew
, Osvencim)


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