Send forth your bread upon the surface of the water, for after many days you will find it.

Kohelet 11:1

Riva Gollub (Tennenbaum)

Riva Gollub (Tennenbaum)

Riva Gollub (Tennenbaum)


Family tree

Riva Gollub (Tennenbaum)

(December 23, 1945December 23, 1945 Gregorian
December 10, 1945 Julian
Teveth 19, 5706 Hebrew
- )

(19171917 Gregorian
1916 Julian
5677 Hebrew
, Varshava - Lugansk)

(May 9, 1924May 9, 1924 Gregorian
April 26, 1924 Julian
Iyar 5, 5684 Hebrew
- August 3, 2002August 3, 2002 Gregorian
July 21, 2002 Julian
Av 25, 5762 Hebrew

(June 26, 1937June 26, 1937 Gregorian
June 13, 1937 Julian
Tammuz 17, 5697 Hebrew
- December 8, 2009December 8, 2009 Gregorian
November 25, 2009 Julian
Kislev 21, 5770 Hebrew

(October 9, 1977October 9, 1977 Gregorian
September 26, 1977 Julian
Tishrei 27, 5738 Hebrew
- )

(March 12, 1982March 12, 1982 Gregorian
February 27, 1982 Julian
Adar 17, 5742 Hebrew
- )


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