Tsipa Novomeysky (Frizer)
Tsipa Novomeysky (Frizer)
- Birth
- Death
- Parents
- Partners
- Children
- Living places
Family tree
(18071807 Gregorian
1806 Julian
5567 Hebrew, Raseiniai - October 18, 1889October 18, 1889 Gregorian
October 6, 1889 Julian
Tishrei 23, 5650 Hebrew, Barguzin)
(18691869 Gregorian
1868 Julian
5629 Hebrew, Buryatiya - 19321932 Gregorian
1931 Julian
5692 Hebrew, Harbin)
This information was published by the user Victor Novomeysky. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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