Yuriy Schoichet
Yuriy Schoichet
July 2, 1942July 2, 1942 Gregorian
June 19, 1942 Julian
Tammuz 17, 5702 Hebrew -
- Parents
- Partners
- Children
Family tree
(April 30, 1920April 30, 1920 Gregorian
April 17, 1920 Julian
Iyar 12, 5680 Hebrew - 20062006 Gregorian
2005 Julian
5766 Hebrew)
(April 9, 1941April 9, 1941 Gregorian
March 27, 1941 Julian
Nisan 12, 5701 Hebrew - )
(June 30, 1967June 30, 1967 Gregorian
June 17, 1967 Julian
Sivan 22, 5727 Hebrew - )
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