To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.

Benjamin Disraeli

Bathia Goshchinskaya (Fayshovits)

Bathia Goshchinskaya (Fayshovits)

Bathia Goshchinskaya (Fayshovits)


Family tree

Bathia Goshchinskaya (Fayshovits)

(19191919 Gregorian
1918 Julian
5679 Hebrew
- 19751975 Gregorian
1974 Julian
5735 Hebrew

(about 1890about 1890 Gregorian
about 1889 Julian
about 5650 Hebrew
- )

(about 1890about 1890 Gregorian
about 1889 Julian
about 5650 Hebrew
- )

(19131913 Gregorian
1912 Julian
5673 Hebrew
- December 16, 2003December 16, 2003 Gregorian
December 3, 2003 Julian
Kislev 21, 5764 Hebrew

(January 1, 1939January 1, 1939 Gregorian
December 19, 1938 Julian
Teveth 10, 5699 Hebrew
- 20162016 Gregorian
2015 Julian
5776 Hebrew
, Netanya)

(November 8, 1941November 8, 1941 Gregorian
October 26, 1941 Julian
Cheshvan 18, 5702 Hebrew
- 20172017 Gregorian
2016 Julian
5777 Hebrew
, Netanya)

(November 7, 1946November 7, 1946 Gregorian
October 25, 1946 Julian
Cheshvan 13, 5707 Hebrew
- )


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