If you want it is not a tale

Theodor Herzl

Shaya Rozin

Shaya Rozin

  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Technical activity –
    activity directed to the resolution of technological problems, in the broad sense.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • engineer,
    • technical designer,
    • technologist,
    • agriculturalist, etc.
  • Tags
  • Comments
    Похоронен в Москве на Донском кладбище


Family tree

Shaya Rozin

(19031903 Gregorian
1902 Julian
5663 Hebrew
- January 9, 1953January 9, 1953 Gregorian
December 27, 1952 Julian
Teveth 22, 5713 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(about 1860about 1860 Gregorian
about 1859 Julian
about 5620 Hebrew
- about 1940about 1940 Gregorian
about 1939 Julian
about 5700 Hebrew

(about 1865about 1865 Gregorian
about 1864 Julian
about 5625 Hebrew
- February 20, 1930February 20, 1930 Gregorian
February 7, 1930 Julian
Shevat 22, 5690 Hebrew
, Kharkov)

(September 17, 1899September 17, 1899 Gregorian
September 5, 1899 Julian
Tishrei 13, 5660 Hebrew
- December 18, 1978December 18, 1978 Gregorian
December 5, 1978 Julian
Kislev 18, 5739 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(July 18, 1928July 18, 1928 Gregorian
July 5, 1928 Julian
Av 1, 5688 Hebrew
- April 24, 2004April 24, 2004 Gregorian
April 11, 2004 Julian
Iyar 3, 5764 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(May 23, 1937May 23, 1937 Gregorian
May 10, 1937 Julian
Sivan 13, 5697 Hebrew
- )


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