One man's candle is light for many.

Talmud, Shabbat

Boris Meisel

Boris Meisel

Boris Meisel
  • Occupation types
    Artistic activity –
    activity related to art.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • painter,
    • poet,
    • composer,
    • writer, etc.
  • Comments
    Борис Сергеевич Майзель (04 (17) июня 1907, Санкт-Петербург — 9 июля 1986, Москва) — советский композитор. Заслуженный деятель искусства Бурятской АССР (1959).
  • Information source
    русская википедия Борис Майзель

Family tree

Boris Meisel

(June 17, 1907June 17, 1907 Gregorian
June 4, 1907 Julian
Tammuz 5, 5667 Hebrew
, Санкт Петербург - July 9, 1986July 9, 1986 Gregorian
June 26, 1986 Julian
Tammuz 2, 5746 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(December 26, 1882December 26, 1882 Gregorian
December 14, 1882 Julian
Teveth 16, 5643 Hebrew
, Санкт Петербург - July 5, 1955July 5, 1955 Gregorian
June 22, 1955 Julian
Tammuz 15, 5715 Hebrew
, Moskva)

(19041904 Gregorian
1903 Julian
5664 Hebrew
- )


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