Only the dead can be resurrected. It's more difficult with the living.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Aleksey Alfred Vaysburd

Aleksey Alfred Vaysburd

Aleksey Alfred Vaysburd
  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Technical activity –
    activity directed to the resolution of technological problems, in the broad sense.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • engineer,
    • technical designer,
    • technologist,
    • agriculturalist, etc.


Family tree

Aleksey Alfred Vaysburd

(19321932 Gregorian
1931 Julian
5692 Hebrew
- 20002000 Gregorian
1999 Julian
5760 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(Belaya Tzerkov - Moscow)

(19411941 Gregorian
1940 Julian
5701 Hebrew
- 20022002 Gregorian
2001 Julian
5762 Hebrew
, Moscow)


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