There are righteous men to whom it happens according to the deed of the wicked, and there are wicked men to whom it happens according to the deed of the righteous

Kohelet 8:14

Malka Blumberg


Family tree

Malka Blumberg

(Krasnoselka - Одесская обл.)

(Krasnoselka - Krasnoselka)

(June 2, 1892June 2, 1892 Gregorian
May 21, 1892 Julian
Sivan 7, 5652 Hebrew
, Krasnoselka - September 23, 1965September 23, 1965 Gregorian
September 10, 1965 Julian
Elul 26, 5725 Hebrew
, Tivon)

(Krasnoselka - May 26, 1987May 26, 1987 Gregorian
May 13, 1987 Julian
Iyar 27, 5747 Hebrew
, Одесская обл.)

(Krasnoselka - November, 1982November, 1982 Gregorian
October, 1982 Julian
Cheshvan, 5743 Hebrew
, Tashkent)

(18991899 Gregorian
1898 Julian
5659 Hebrew
, Krasnoselka - August 16, 1937August 16, 1937 Gregorian
August 3, 1937 Julian
Elul 9, 5697 Hebrew
, Ukraine)

(February 9, 1901February 9, 1901 Gregorian
January 27, 1901 Julian
Shevat 20, 5661 Hebrew
, Krasnoselka - October 9, 1972October 9, 1972 Gregorian
September 26, 1972 Julian
Cheshvan 1, 5733 Hebrew
, Tel Aviv)


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