People find life entirely too time-consuming

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Yevgeniya Kaidanovsky

Yevgeniya Kaidanovsky

  • Comments
    Училась на дирижёрско-хоровом факультете московской консерватории. Брак в 1941 году в Новосибирске.


Family tree

Yevgeniya Kaidanovsky

(19201920 Gregorian
1919 Julian
5680 Hebrew
- 20002000 Gregorian
1999 Julian
5760 Hebrew

(February 18, 1921February 18, 1921 Gregorian
February 5, 1921 Julian
Adar 10, 5681 Hebrew
, Odessa - February 3, 2013February 3, 2013 Gregorian
January 21, 2013 Julian
Shevat 23, 5773 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(January 8, 1952January 8, 1952 Gregorian
December 26, 1951 Julian
Teveth 10, 5712 Hebrew
, Moscow - )


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