Adela Obertynskaya (Kotegova)
Adela Obertynskaya (Kotegova)
- Parents
- Partners
- Children
Family tree
(18651865 Gregorian
1864 Julian
5625 Hebrew - 19381938 Gregorian
1937 Julian
5698 Hebrew)
(18981898 Gregorian
1897 Julian
5658 Hebrew, Skole, Prikarpatʹye - 19801980 Gregorian
1979 Julian
5740 Hebrew, London)
(19141914 Gregorian
1913 Julian
5674 Hebrew, Rossiya, Sverdlovskaya Oblast - September 2, 1942September 2, 1942 Gregorian
August 20, 1942 Julian
Elul 20, 5702 Hebrew, Kalininskaya Oblastʹ)
This information was published by the user Alla Kuznetsova. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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