If a triangle could speak, it would say... that God is eminently triangular, while a circle would say that the divine nature is eminently circular.

Baruch Spinoza

Nikolay Gabrilovich

Nikolay Gabrilovich

  • Comments
    Один из лидеров российской гомеопатии, вице-прецидент Международной Гомеопатической Лиги, доктор медицины, крестился


Family tree

Nikolay Gabrilovich

(February 27, 1865February 27, 1865 Gregorian
February 15, 1865 Julian
Adar 1, 5625 Hebrew
, Panevezys - 19411941 Gregorian
1940 Julian
5701 Hebrew

(18361836 Gregorian
1835 Julian
5596 Hebrew
- 19181918 Gregorian
1917 Julian
5678 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)

( - about 1872about 1872 Gregorian
about 1871 Julian
about 5632 Hebrew


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