The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.

Elie Wiesel

Myryаm (Dorfman)

Myryаm (Dorfman)

Myryаm (Dorfman)


Family tree

Myryаm (Dorfman)

(18601860 Gregorian
1859 Julian
5620 Hebrew
, Tatarnovichi - 19301930 Gregorian
1929 Julian
5690 Hebrew
, Korosten)

(18571857 Gregorian
1856 Julian
5617 Hebrew
, Tatarnovichi - 19421942 Gregorian
1941 Julian
5702 Hebrew
, Tatarnovichi)

(18841884 Gregorian
1883 Julian
5644 Hebrew
- March 9, 1967March 9, 1967 Gregorian
February 24, 1967 Julian
Adar 27, 5727 Hebrew
, Ovruch)

(18891889 Gregorian
1888 Julian
5649 Hebrew
, Tatarnovichi - Chopovichi)

(18921892 Gregorian
1891 Julian
5652 Hebrew
, Tatarnovichi - 19421942 Gregorian
1941 Julian
5702 Hebrew

(18951895 Gregorian
1894 Julian
5655 Hebrew
, Tatarnovichi - 19421942 Gregorian
1941 Julian
5702 Hebrew
, Tatarnovichi)

(19001900 Gregorian
1899 Julian
5660 Hebrew
, Tatarnovichi - 19211921 Gregorian
1920 Julian
5681 Hebrew
, Korosten)

(19011901 Gregorian
1900 Julian
5661 Hebrew
, Tatarnovichi - 19811981 Gregorian
1980 Julian
5741 Hebrew
, Saratov)

(19031903 Gregorian
1902 Julian
5663 Hebrew
, Tatarnovichi - 19781978 Gregorian
1977 Julian
5738 Hebrew
, Chopovichi)


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