Ezekiel Katzenellenpogen
Ezekiel Katzenellenpogen
about 1668about 1668 Gregorian
about 1667 Julian
about 5428 Hebrew -
17491749 Gregorian
1748 Julian
5509 Hebrew Altona, Hamburg, Germany -
- Parents
- Partners
- Children

Occupation types
SocialSocial activity –
activity connected with active work in society.This type of activity includes following professions:
- politicians,
- educators,
- social activists,
- rabbis, etc.
Родился в 1668 или 1669, сам не знал точно, вырос в Бресте, был ав бейт дина Зителя, затем Расейняя, в 1707 был вызван в Кайданово, с 1714 раввин Альтоны. Написал множество предисловий к религиозным книгам.
Information source
"Непрерванная цепь" Розенштейна
Family tree
Ezekiel Katzenellenpogen
(about 1668about 1668 Gregorian
about 1667 Julian
about 5428 Hebrew - 17491749 Gregorian
1748 Julian
5509 Hebrew, Altona, Hamburg)
( - about 1756about 1756 Gregorian
about 1755 Julian
about 5516 Hebrew, Kajdanovo)
This information was published by the user
Avi Shtein (support). The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.

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