You can be a Jew for God, or a Jew against God, but you cannot be a Jew without God.

Elie Wiesel

Boris Makaseev

Boris Makaseev

  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Artistic activity –
    activity related to art.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • painter,
    • poet,
    • composer,
    • writer, etc.
  • Comments
    советский режиссёр и оператор документального кино. Заслуженный деятель искусств РСФСР (1965). Лауреат четырёх Сталинских премий (1946, 1947, 1948, 1951). Член КПСС с 1958 года.
  • Information source


Family tree

Boris Makaseev

(June 11, 1907June 11, 1907 Gregorian
May 29, 1907 Julian
Sivan 29, 5667 Hebrew
, Moscow - December 13, 1989December 13, 1989 Gregorian
November 30, 1989 Julian
Kislev 15, 5750 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(19201920 Gregorian
1919 Julian
5680 Hebrew
- 20042004 Gregorian
2003 Julian
5764 Hebrew


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