Jacob Feldstein
Jacob Feldstein
before 1893before 1893 Gregorian
before 1892 Julian
before 5653 Hebrew - Children

- Living places
Жил, скорее всего, на Украине. Скорее всего, в Одессе Фамилия, скорее всего пишется через "е" - Фельдштейн, но, возможно и через "и".
Family tree
(19071907 Gregorian
1906 Julian
5667 Hebrew, Odessa - 20022002 Gregorian
2001 Julian
5762 Hebrew, Moscow)
(about 1910about 1910 Gregorian
about 1909 Julian
about 5670 Hebrew, Odessa - after 1949after 1949 Gregorian
after 1948 Julian
after 5709 Hebrew, Cherkassy)
This information was published by the user
Alena Khoroshilova. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.

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