What is crooked will not be able to be straightened, and what is missing will not be able to be counted.

Kohelet 1:15

Faina Chaifetz (Kaputkina)

Faina Chaifetz (Kaputkina)

  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Socio-intellectual activity –

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • teacher,
    • lawyer,
    • doctor,
    • journalist, etc.
  • Comments
    Бабушка Фаня... на всех семейных праздниках или просто семейных посиделках она всегда пела белорусские и еврейские песни, на идиш.. она запевала, а к ней потихоньку присоединялись другие, тихонько подпевая.. и ничего, что кто-то фальшивил или не знал слов - с каждым новым таким застольем выучивали эти песни лучше.


Family tree

Faina Chaifetz (Kaputkina)

(19131913 Gregorian
1912 Julian
5673 Hebrew
, Senno - July 18, 1996July 18, 1996 Gregorian
July 5, 1996 Julian
Av 2, 5756 Hebrew
, Lipetsk)

(18711871 Gregorian
1870 Julian
5631 Hebrew
, Beshenkovichi - 19411941 Gregorian
1940 Julian
5701 Hebrew
, Senno)

(18761876 Gregorian
1875 Julian
5636 Hebrew
- 19621962 Gregorian
1961 Julian
5722 Hebrew
, Lipetsk)

(about 1915about 1915 Gregorian
about 1914 Julian
about 5675 Hebrew
- 19461946 Gregorian
1945 Julian
5706 Hebrew

(October 1, 1937October 1, 1937 Gregorian
September 18, 1937 Julian
Tishrei 26, 5698 Hebrew
- March 3, 2019March 3, 2019 Gregorian
February 18, 2019 Julian
Adar 26, 5779 Hebrew
, Lipetsk)

(19391939 Gregorian
1938 Julian
5699 Hebrew
, Senno - )

(January 19, 1941January 19, 1941 Gregorian
January 6, 1941 Julian
Teveth 20, 5701 Hebrew
- October 17, 2016October 17, 2016 Gregorian
October 4, 2016 Julian
Tishrei 15, 5777 Hebrew


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