The decisive moment in human evolution is perpetual.

Franz Kafka

Yefim Spivak

Yefim Spivak

Yefim Spivak


Family tree

Yefim Spivak

(18681868 Gregorian
1867 Julian
5628 Hebrew
- 19431943 Gregorian
1942 Julian
5703 Hebrew

(before 1848before 1848 Gregorian
before 1847 Julian
before 5608 Hebrew
- )

(19061906 Gregorian
1905 Julian
5666 Hebrew
- about 1942about 1942 Gregorian
about 1941 Julian
about 5702 Hebrew

(19091909 Gregorian
1908 Julian
5669 Hebrew
- )

(March 24, 1911March 24, 1911 Gregorian
March 11, 1911 Julian
Adar 24, 5671 Hebrew
- March 30, 1992March 30, 1992 Gregorian
March 17, 1992 Julian
Adar_2 25, 5752 Hebrew
, Moscow)


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