Remember that the days of your life are not many, for God answers in the joy of your heart.

Kohelet 5:19

Abram Gorman

Abram Gorman

Abram Gorman


Family tree

Abram Gorman

(18871887 Gregorian
1886 Julian
5647 Hebrew
, Mogilevskaya Gub - 19411941 Gregorian
1940 Julian
5701 Hebrew
, Mogilevskaya Gub)

(18571857 Gregorian
1856 Julian
5617 Hebrew
- )

(18921892 Gregorian
1891 Julian
5652 Hebrew
- 19221922 Gregorian
1921 Julian
5682 Hebrew

(19101910 Gregorian
1909 Julian
5670 Hebrew
- 19851985 Gregorian
1984 Julian
5745 Hebrew

(19121912 Gregorian
1911 Julian
5672 Hebrew
- 19421942 Gregorian
1941 Julian
5702 Hebrew

(19141914 Gregorian
1913 Julian
5674 Hebrew
, Mogilevskaya Gub - 19961996 Gregorian
1995 Julian
5756 Hebrew

(19201920 Gregorian
1919 Julian
5680 Hebrew
, Mogilevskaya Gub - 19411941 Gregorian
1940 Julian
5701 Hebrew

(19391939 Gregorian
1938 Julian
5699 Hebrew
- 19411941 Gregorian
1940 Julian
5701 Hebrew
, Mogilevskaya Gub)


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