If someone comes to kill you,- kill him!

Talmud, Berakhot

Leonid Masin

Leonid Masin


Family tree

Leonid Masin

(19311931 Gregorian
1930 Julian
5691 Hebrew
- 20012001 Gregorian
2000 Julian
5761 Hebrew

(19091909 Gregorian
1908 Julian
5669 Hebrew
- 19521952 Gregorian
1951 Julian
5712 Hebrew

(about 1910about 1910 Gregorian
about 1909 Julian
about 5670 Hebrew
, Vitebsk - 19851985 Gregorian
1984 Julian
5745 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)

(about 1956about 1956 Gregorian
about 1955 Julian
about 5716 Hebrew
- )


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