Esther Gershanovich (Tsitkin)
Esther Gershanovich (Tsitkin)
about 1861about 1861 Gregorian
about 1860 Julian
about 5621 Hebrew - Parents
- Partners
- Children

- Living places
08 (20) октября 1884 года в г. Нежине Пирятинский мещанин Элья Вольков сын Циткин 25 лет, холост, вступил в брак с девицею Эстрою дочерью Нежинского мещанина Лейба Гершановича 22 лет:
Information source
Family tree
(about 1859about 1859 Gregorian
about 1858 Julian
about 5619 Hebrew - before September 2, 1913before September 2, 1913 Gregorian
before August 20, 1913 Julian
before Av 30, 5673 Hebrew, Nezhin)
(July 19, 1892July 19, 1892 Gregorian
July 7, 1892 Julian
Tammuz 24, 5652 Hebrew, Nezhin - )
(May 14, 1895May 14, 1895 Gregorian
May 2, 1895 Julian
Iyar 20, 5655 Hebrew, Nezhin - 19571957 Gregorian
1956 Julian
5717 Hebrew, Kiyv)
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Julia Rovensky. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.

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