Every assembly that is for the sake of Heaven will survive; but if it is not for the sake of Heaven, it will not survive

Yochanan Hasandlar

Feiga (Izolina) Kogan (Personok)

Feiga (Izolina) Kogan (Personok)

Feiga (Izolina) Kogan (Personok)


Family tree

Feiga (Izolina) Kogan (Personok)

(July 4, 1915July 4, 1915 Gregorian
June 21, 1915 Julian
Tammuz 22, 5675 Hebrew
, Buenos Aires - September 19, 1989September 19, 1989 Gregorian
September 6, 1989 Julian
Elul 19, 5749 Hebrew
, Buenos Aires)

(July 4, 1911July 4, 1911 Gregorian
June 21, 1911 Julian
Tammuz 8, 5671 Hebrew
, Buenos Aires - June 29, 1997June 29, 1997 Gregorian
June 16, 1997 Julian
Sivan 24, 5757 Hebrew
, Buenos Aires)


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