Vermilena Kozlovskaya
Vermilena Kozlovskaya
about 1933about 1933 Gregorian
about 1932 Julian
about 5693 Hebrew -
20182018 Gregorian
2017 Julian
5778 Hebrew -
- Partners
- Living places
Information source
Information and picture from G.E. Pines and D.G. Pines archives and family tree
Family tree
Vermilena Kozlovskaya
(about 1933about 1933 Gregorian
about 1932 Julian
about 5693 Hebrew - 20182018 Gregorian
2017 Julian
5778 Hebrew)
(October 10, 1916October 10, 1916 Gregorian
September 27, 1916 Julian
Tishrei 13, 5677 Hebrew, Moscow - about October 3, 2010about October 3, 2010 Gregorian
about September 20, 2010 Julian
about Tishrei 25, 5771 Hebrew)
This information was published by the user Dmitriy G. Pines. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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