Samuel Margaliot
Samuel Margaliot
about 1500about 1500 Gregorian
about 1500 Julian
about 5260 Hebrew Poznan (Posen), Poland - Parents
- Partners
- Children
Occupation types
SocialSocial activity –
activity connected with active work in society.This type of activity includes following professions:
- politicians,
- educators,
- social activists,
- rabbis, etc.
Раввин и судья ("ав бейт дин") Познани. Rabbi at Poznan В 1527 г. он был назначен Сигизмундом I великим сеньором для евреев всей Великой Польши.
Information source
Тиферет авот
Family tree
(about 1485about 1485 Gregorian
about 1485 Julian
about 5245 Hebrew - 15241524 Gregorian
1524 Julian
5284 Hebrew, Prague)
(about 1493about 1493 Gregorian
about 1493 Julian
about 5253 Hebrew - 15731573 Gregorian
1573 Julian
5333 Hebrew)
(about 1515about 1515 Gregorian
about 1515 Julian
about 5275 Hebrew - about 1585about 1585 Gregorian
about 1584 Julian
about 5345 Hebrew)
(15451545 Gregorian
1545 Julian
5305 Hebrew - 16161616 Gregorian
1615 Julian
5376 Hebrew, Krakow)
This information was published by the user Itzhak Fouxon. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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