Lazar Zalkind
Lazar Zalkind
18861886 Gregorian
1885 Julian
5646 Hebrew Kharkov (kHarkiv), Ukraine -
19451945 Gregorian
1944 Julian
5705 Hebrew Komsomolsk-na-Amure, Russia -
- Parents
Occupation types
TechnicalTechnical activity –Physical
activity directed to the resolution of technological problems, in the broad sense.This type of activity includes following professions:
- engineer,
- technical designer,
- technologist,
- agriculturalist, etc.
Physical activity -
activity related to active physical labor or interaction with nature.This type of activity includes following professions:
- sportsman,
- soldier,
- hunter, etc.
Шахматный композитор. Экономист. Ред. отделов задач в ж. «Шахматный вестник» (1913–16) и «Шахматы» (1922–29). Пред. об-ва любителей шахм. задач и этюдов при Всес. шахм. секции (1926). Автор св. 500 шахм. композиций, 60 из них удостоены отличий на разл. междунар. и отеч. конкурсах. В 1931 репрессирован.
Family tree
Lazar Zalkind
(18861886 Gregorian
1885 Julian
5646 Hebrew, Kharkov - 19451945 Gregorian
1944 Julian
5705 Hebrew, Komsomolsk-na-Amure)
This information was published by the user Anna Zalkind. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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