Hard as the world is to explain with the Almighty, it is harder yet without the Holy One.

Moses Montefiore

Polina (Lipskerova)


Family tree

Polina (Lipskerova)

(18481848 Gregorian
1847 Julian
5608 Hebrew
- 19101910 Gregorian
1909 Julian
5670 Hebrew

(18811881 Gregorian
1880 Julian
5641 Hebrew
- )

(18821882 Gregorian
1881 Julian
5642 Hebrew
- )

(18831883 Gregorian
1882 Julian
5643 Hebrew
- )

(18841884 Gregorian
1883 Julian
5644 Hebrew
- )

(18891889 Gregorian
1888 Julian
5649 Hebrew
, Moscow - 19541954 Gregorian
1953 Julian
5714 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(18901890 Gregorian
1889 Julian
5650 Hebrew
, Moscow - 19651965 Gregorian
1964 Julian
5725 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(18941894 Gregorian
1893 Julian
5654 Hebrew
, Moscow - 19611961 Gregorian
1960 Julian
5721 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(18961896 Gregorian
1895 Julian
5656 Hebrew
, Moscow - 19771977 Gregorian
1976 Julian
5737 Hebrew
, Moscow)


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