From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back. That is the point that must be reached.

Franz Kafka

Stefania Epstein

Stefania Epstein

Stefania Epstein
  • Information source
    польская википедия Адам Эпштейн


Family tree

Stefania Epstein

(18451845 Gregorian
1844 Julian
5605 Hebrew
- 19351935 Gregorian
1934 Julian
5695 Hebrew

(December 24, 1800December 24, 1800 Gregorian
December 12, 1800 Julian
Teveth 8, 5561 Hebrew
, Warsaw - March 24, 1870March 24, 1870 Gregorian
March 12, 1870 Julian
Adar_2 21, 5630 Hebrew
, Warsaw)

(18151815 Gregorian
1814 Julian
5575 Hebrew
- 18951895 Gregorian
1894 Julian
5655 Hebrew


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