A lie is often an expression of the fear that one may be crushed by the truth.

Franz Kafka

Sara Montefiore

Sara Montefiore

Sara Montefiore


Family tree

Sara Montefiore

(17831783 Gregorian
1782 Julian
5543 Hebrew
- )

(October 15, 1759October 15, 1759 Gregorian
October 4, 1759 Julian
Tishrei 24, 5520 Hebrew
, London - January 11, 1804January 11, 1804 Gregorian
December 30, 1803 Julian
Teveth 27, 5564 Hebrew

(17621762 Gregorian
1761 Julian
5522 Hebrew
- 18411841 Gregorian
1840 Julian
5601 Hebrew

(London - )

(18191819 Gregorian
1818 Julian
5579 Hebrew
- )

(18221822 Gregorian
1821 Julian
5582 Hebrew
- 19031903 Gregorian
1902 Julian
5663 Hebrew
, London)

(17891789 Gregorian
1788 Julian
5549 Hebrew
, London - 18641864 Gregorian
1863 Julian
5624 Hebrew
, London)


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