He who waits for the wind will not sow, and he who looks at the clouds will not reap.

Kohelet 11:4

Hanoch Enoch Schick

Hanoch Enoch Schick

  • Information source
    Вахштейн "Надгробия старинных еврейских кладбищ Вены"; A Hebrew Chronicle from Prague, C. 1615 by Abraham David; Шломо Цви Шик "МиМоше ад Моше"


Family tree

Hanoch Enoch Schick

( - 16491649 Gregorian
1648 Julian
5409 Hebrew
, Prague)

( - 16201620 Gregorian
1619 Julian
5380 Hebrew
, Wien)

( - 16311631 Gregorian
1630 Julian
5391 Hebrew
, Prague)

( - 16651665 Gregorian
1664 Julian
5425 Hebrew
, Prague)

( - 16371637 Gregorian
1636 Julian
5397 Hebrew
, Prague)

( - 16651665 Gregorian
1664 Julian
5425 Hebrew
, Prague)


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