Where they burn books, at the end they also burn people

Heinrich Heine

Jack Pritzker

Jack Pritzker

Jack Pritzker


Family tree

Jack Pritzker

(19031903 Gregorian
1902 Julian
5663 Hebrew
, Chikago - 19791979 Gregorian
1978 Julian
5739 Hebrew

(18711871 Gregorian
1870 Julian
5631 Hebrew
, Kiev - 19571957 Gregorian
1956 Julian
5717 Hebrew
, Chikago)

(1395 BCE1395 BCE Gregorian
1395 BCE Julian
2366 Hebrew
- about 1272 BCEabout 1272 BCE Gregorian
about 1272 BCE Julian
about 2489 Hebrew

(19141914 Gregorian
1913 Julian
5674 Hebrew
- 20072007 Gregorian
2006 Julian
5767 Hebrew

(19461946 Gregorian
1945 Julian
5706 Hebrew
, Chikago - )


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