Sergey Schick
Sergey Schick
19221922 Gregorian
1921 Julian
5682 Hebrew Sergiyev Posad, Russia -
- Parents
- Partners
- Children
Occupation types
TechnicalTechnical activity –
activity directed to the resolution of technological problems, in the broad sense.This type of activity includes following professions:
- engineer,
- technical designer,
- technologist,
- agriculturalist, etc.
Геолог. 55 лет проработал в геологической службе центральных районов – геологом, начальником партии, главным геологом экспедиции (1961-1983 гг.), начальником партии и участка. В 1974 году защитил кандидатскую диссертацию, опубликовал более 150 статей по стратиграфии и палеогеографии. Награжден орденом «Знак почета» и многими медалями; присвоено звание «Почетный разведчик недр».
Information source;
Family tree
(July 20, 1887July 20, 1887 Gregorian
July 8, 1887 Julian
Tammuz 28, 5647 Hebrew, Moscow - September 27, 1937September 27, 1937 Gregorian
September 14, 1937 Julian
Tishrei 22, 5698 Hebrew, Butovo, Podmoskove)
(18901890 Gregorian
1889 Julian
5650 Hebrew, Yaroslavl - 19421942 Gregorian
1941 Julian
5702 Hebrew, Moscow)
This information was published by the user Benjamen Kretz. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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