Man leaves the world with open hands, as if to say, 'I take nothing with me.'

Midrash Ecclesiastes R. 5:14





Family tree


( - 16091609 Gregorian
1608 Julian
5369 Hebrew

( - about 1550about 1550 Gregorian
about 1550 Julian
about 5310 Hebrew

(about 1525about 1525 Gregorian
about 1525 Julian
about 5285 Hebrew
- 15851585 Gregorian
1584 Julian
5345 Hebrew

(about 1548about 1548 Gregorian
about 1548 Julian
about 5308 Hebrew
- 16181618 Gregorian
1617 Julian
5378 Hebrew

( - 16351635 Gregorian
1634 Julian
5395 Hebrew

( - 16241624 Gregorian
1623 Julian
5384 Hebrew


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