Man knows more than he understands

Alfred Adler

Matityahu Treves Ashkenazi

Matityahu Treves Ashkenazi

Matityahu Treves Ashkenazi
  • Occupation types
    Social activity –
    activity connected with active work in society.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • politicians,
    • educators,
    • social activists,
    • rabbis, etc.
    Scholarly activity -
    activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.

    This type of activity includes following areas:

    • science,
    • philosophy,
    • theology, etc.
  • Comments
    Основал равинскую академию в Париже. Глава Бейт-Дина в Париже.
  • Information source
    Еврейская энциклопедия


Family tree

Matityahu Treves Ashkenazi

(about 1325about 1325 Gregorian
about 1325 Julian
about 5085 Hebrew
, Paris - about 1387about 1387 Gregorian
about 1387 Julian
about 5147 Hebrew
, Paris)

(13051305 Gregorian
1305 Julian
5065 Hebrew
, Troyes - 13501350 Gregorian
1350 Julian
5110 Hebrew
, Marseille)

( - 14391439 Gregorian
1439 Julian
5199 Hebrew
, Italy)


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