Whatever your hand attains to do, - do.

Kohelet 9:10

Elizabeth Sherman

Elizabeth Sherman


Family tree

Elizabeth Sherman

(19191919 Gregorian
1918 Julian
5679 Hebrew
- 20122012 Gregorian
2011 Julian
5772 Hebrew
, Kiryat Yam)

(18811881 Gregorian
1880 Julian
5641 Hebrew
, Volchkov - 19431943 Gregorian
1942 Julian
5703 Hebrew
, Akbulak)

(18841884 Gregorian
1883 Julian
5644 Hebrew
- March 9, 1967March 9, 1967 Gregorian
February 24, 1967 Julian
Adar 27, 5727 Hebrew
, Ovruch)

(19141914 Gregorian
1913 Julian
5674 Hebrew
, Mihailovka, Volyn - 19981998 Gregorian
1997 Julian
5758 Hebrew
, Kiryat Mockin)

(19481948 Gregorian
1947 Julian
5708 Hebrew
, Korosten - )

(19591959 Gregorian
1958 Julian
5719 Hebrew
, Ovruch - )


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