I am the Lord; I called you with righteousness

Prophet Yeshayahu

Sigizmund Behrson

Sigizmund Behrson

Sigizmund Behrson
  • Information source
    польская википедия Меер Берсон


Family tree

Sigizmund Behrson

(18141814 Gregorian
1813 Julian
5574 Hebrew
- 18641864 Gregorian
1863 Julian
5624 Hebrew

(17871787 Gregorian
1786 Julian
5547 Hebrew
- February 16, 1873February 16, 1873 Gregorian
February 4, 1873 Julian
Shevat 19, 5633 Hebrew
, Warsaw)

(17961796 Gregorian
1795 Julian
5556 Hebrew
- 18551855 Gregorian
1854 Julian
5615 Hebrew

(18511851 Gregorian
1850 Julian
5611 Hebrew
- 19271927 Gregorian
1926 Julian
5687 Hebrew


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