It is a people that shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.


Abram Kartashevsky

Abram Kartashevsky


Family tree

Abram Kartashevsky

(June 15, 1928June 15, 1928 Gregorian
June 2, 1928 Julian
Sivan 27, 5688 Hebrew
, Cherkassy - June 2, 2009June 2, 2009 Gregorian
May 20, 2009 Julian
Sivan 10, 5769 Hebrew
, Ufa)

(May 25, 1891May 25, 1891 Gregorian
May 13, 1891 Julian
Iyar 17, 5651 Hebrew
, Cherkassy - October 27, 1987October 27, 1987 Gregorian
October 14, 1987 Julian
Cheshvan 4, 5748 Hebrew
, Ufa)

(18931893 Gregorian
1892 Julian
5653 Hebrew
- 19381938 Gregorian
1937 Julian
5698 Hebrew
, Cherkassy)

(June 16, 1969June 16, 1969 Gregorian
June 3, 1969 Julian
Sivan 30, 5729 Hebrew
, Ufa - December 22, 1971December 22, 1971 Gregorian
December 9, 1971 Julian
Teveth 4, 5732 Hebrew
, Moscow)


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