Yevgeniya Krasnokutskaya
Yevgeniya Krasnokutskaya
19491949 Gregorian
1948 Julian
5709 Hebrew -
- Partners
- Children
- Current residence
- Living places
Occupation types
ScholarlyScholarly activity -
activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.This type of activity includes following areas:
- science,
- philosophy,
- theology, etc.
Выпускница механико-математического факультета МГУ (1971), в прошлом — научный сотрудник в Институте нефти и газа(30), затем специалист по климатологии в NASA и директор благотворительной организации ХИАС; автор ряда научных трудов по метеорологии(31)(32)(33).
Information source
Family tree
(September 20, 1947September 20, 1947 Gregorian
September 7, 1947 Julian
Tishrei 6, 5708 Hebrew, Moskva - )
(August 21, 1973August 21, 1973 Gregorian
August 8, 1973 Julian
Av 23, 5733 Hebrew, Moscow - )
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