Everything is foreseen; yet free will is given


Nachum Magarik


Family tree

Nachum Magarik

( - )

(18831883 Gregorian
1882 Julian
5643 Hebrew
, Cherkassy - Cherkassy)

(18851885 Gregorian
1884 Julian
5645 Hebrew
- , Cherkassy)

(18861886 Gregorian
1885 Julian
5646 Hebrew
- July 3, 1961July 3, 1961 Gregorian
June 20, 1961 Julian
Tammuz 19, 5721 Hebrew

(18861886 Gregorian
1885 Julian
5646 Hebrew
, Cherkassy - 19751975 Gregorian
1974 Julian
5735 Hebrew
, Cherkassy)

(18931893 Gregorian
1892 Julian
5653 Hebrew
- 19381938 Gregorian
1937 Julian
5698 Hebrew
, Cherkassy)

(18941894 Gregorian
1893 Julian
5654 Hebrew
, Cherkassy - 19421942 Gregorian
1941 Julian
5702 Hebrew
, Крым)

(18951895 Gregorian
1894 Julian
5655 Hebrew
, Cherkassy - 19671967 Gregorian
1966 Julian
5727 Hebrew
, Tashkent)


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