Itzka Margolin
Itzka Margolin
about 1851about 1851 Gregorian
about 1850 Julian
about 5611 Hebrew -
18871887 Gregorian
1886 Julian
5647 Hebrew -
- Parents
- Partners
- Children

- Living places
04 (16) июня 1870 года в г. Прилуках Кременчугский купеческий сын Ицка Берков сын Марголин 19 лет вступил в брак с девицею Роизею дочерью Прилукского мещанина Мордка Западинского 18 лет:
Information source
Family tree
(about 1851about 1851 Gregorian
about 1850 Julian
about 5611 Hebrew - 18871887 Gregorian
1886 Julian
5647 Hebrew)
(about 1852about 1852 Gregorian
about 1851 Julian
about 5612 Hebrew, Priluki - August 9, 1916August 9, 1916 Gregorian
July 27, 1916 Julian
Av 10, 5676 Hebrew, New York)
(June 22, 1871June 22, 1871 Gregorian
June 10, 1871 Julian
Tammuz 3, 5631 Hebrew, Priluki - )
(December 28, 1872December 28, 1872 Gregorian
December 16, 1872 Julian
Kislev 28, 5633 Hebrew, Priluki - )
(January, 1875January, 1875 Gregorian
December, 1874 Julian
Teveth, 5635 Hebrew, Priluki - April 29, 1875April 29, 1875 Gregorian
April 17, 1875 Julian
Nisan 24, 5635 Hebrew, Priluki)

Paul Klein
Itzhak Mottel Margolin died in 1887. We know this because he died while Royzya was pregnant with his son, who was eventually named after him. His son Itzhak - Isadore - indicated on his US draft registration for WWI and WWII that he was born in July 1887. In addition to Isadore (1887-1951) and the 3 children already on the web site, were Malka (Molly, 1878-1965), Nechoma (Annie, 1880-1934), Tibe (Tillie, 1882-1934), Roseh (Rosie, 1884-1947), and Gittl (Kate, 1885-1967)
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