Unknown (Lvova)
Unknown (Lvova)
before 1870before 1870 Gregorian
before 1869 Julian
before 5630 Hebrew -
about 1906about 1906 Gregorian
about 1905 Julian
about 5666 Hebrew Mikolajiv (Mikalayov), Ukraine -
- Partners
- Children

- Living places
Family tree
Unknown (Lvova)
(before 1870before 1870 Gregorian
before 1869 Julian
before 5630 Hebrew - about 1906about 1906 Gregorian
about 1905 Julian
about 5666 Hebrew, Mikolajiv)
(about 1870about 1870 Gregorian
about 1869 Julian
about 5630 Hebrew - 19421942 Gregorian
1941 Julian
5702 Hebrew, Makhachkala)
(18981898 Gregorian
1897 Julian
5658 Hebrew, Mikolajiv - 19991999 Gregorian
1998 Julian
5759 Hebrew, New York)
(19021902 Gregorian
1901 Julian
5662 Hebrew, Mikolajiv - 19841984 Gregorian
1983 Julian
5744 Hebrew)
This information was published by the user
Tanya Lvova. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.

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