Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, For anger resides in the bosom of fools.

Kohelet 7:9

Chaim Shor

Chaim Shor

Chaim Shor
  • Comments
    R'Avraham was an author and interpreter of Jewish law. While still a youth, he and his friend R'Mordhai Asher, ABD and RM in Brzezany established a Bet Midrash and invited outstanding young rabbi's to join them in a program to study and clarify the Order Kidushin, which neither Rashi or the Tosaphists had succeeded in unraveling. Resulting corrections and clarifications were compiled in the form of a hand- written manuscript Zoan Kedoshim (citing himself and R'Mordhai Asher as authors). It was published by R'Avraham's grandson R'Haim b Ozer (Vansbeck, 1729).
  • Information source
    Фриденберг "Толдот мишпахат Шор"


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Chaim Shor


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