To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.

Benjamin Disraeli

Rosa Casutto


Family tree

Rosa Casutto

(17631763 Gregorian
1762 Julian
5523 Hebrew
, Rome - )

(17961796 Gregorian
1795 Julian
5556 Hebrew
, Rome - )

(17971797 Gregorian
1796 Julian
5557 Hebrew
, Rome - )

(18011801 Gregorian
1800 Julian
5561 Hebrew
, Rome - )

(18051805 Gregorian
1804 Julian
5565 Hebrew
, Rome - )

(18081808 Gregorian
1807 Julian
5568 Hebrew
, Rome - 18511851 Gregorian
1850 Julian
5611 Hebrew

(18121812 Gregorian
1811 Julian
5572 Hebrew
, Rome - 18671867 Gregorian
1866 Julian
5627 Hebrew

(18131813 Gregorian
1812 Julian
5573 Hebrew
, Livorno - )


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