That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation

Hillel the Elder

Mark Bogopolski

Mark Bogopolski

Mark Bogopolski
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Family tree

Mark Bogopolski

(19111911 Gregorian
1910 Julian
5671 Hebrew
- 19431943 Gregorian
1942 Julian
5703 Hebrew

(18781878 Gregorian
1877 Julian
5638 Hebrew
- 19111911 Gregorian
1910 Julian
5671 Hebrew

(18801880 Gregorian
1879 Julian
5640 Hebrew
- 19601960 Gregorian
1959 Julian
5720 Hebrew

(about April 1, 1915about April 1, 1915 Gregorian
about March 19, 1915 Julian
about Nisan 17, 5675 Hebrew
- May 9, 1993May 9, 1993 Gregorian
April 26, 1993 Julian
Iyar 18, 5753 Hebrew


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