There is a righteous man perishing in righteousness, and there is a wicked man living long in his evil-doing.

Kohelet 7:15

Nathan Wertheimer

Nathan Wertheimer

Nathan  Wertheimer


Family tree

Nathan Wertheimer

( - May 26, 1820May 26, 1820 Gregorian
May 14, 1820 Julian
Sivan 13, 5580 Hebrew
, Vienna)

(17101710 Gregorian
1709 Julian
5470 Hebrew
- April 22, 1786April 22, 1786 Gregorian
April 11, 1786 Julian
Nisan 24, 5546 Hebrew

( - 17731773 Gregorian
1772 Julian
5533 Hebrew

( - December 15, 1798December 15, 1798 Gregorian
December 4, 1798 Julian
Teveth 7, 5559 Hebrew
, Mikulov)

( - May 20, 1833May 20, 1833 Gregorian
May 8, 1833 Julian
Sivan 2, 5593 Hebrew

(17791779 Gregorian
1778 Julian
5539 Hebrew
, Mikulov - )

(17821782 Gregorian
1781 Julian
5542 Hebrew
, Mikulov - )

(17871787 Gregorian
1786 Julian
5547 Hebrew
, Mikulov - 18581858 Gregorian
1857 Julian
5618 Hebrew
, Vienna)

(17901790 Gregorian
1789 Julian
5550 Hebrew
, Mikulov - )

( - March 19, 1853March 19, 1853 Gregorian
March 7, 1853 Julian
Adar_2 9, 5613 Hebrew


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