What is lofty can be said in any language, and what is mean should be said in none.


Heinrich Graf

Heinrich Graf

Heinrich Graf


Family tree

Heinrich Graf

(December 11, 1852December 11, 1852 Gregorian
November 29, 1852 Julian
Kislev 30, 5613 Hebrew
, Mikulov - March 15, 1908March 15, 1908 Gregorian
March 2, 1908 Julian
Adar_2 12, 5668 Hebrew
, Vienna)

(March 21, 1861March 21, 1861 Gregorian
March 9, 1861 Julian
Nisan 10, 5621 Hebrew
, Vienna - October, 1942October, 1942 Gregorian
September, 1942 Julian
Tishrei, 5703 Hebrew
, Treblinka)

(July 13, 1897July 13, 1897 Gregorian
July 1, 1897 Julian
Tammuz 13, 5657 Hebrew
- 19171917 Gregorian
1916 Julian
5677 Hebrew

(October 18, 1899October 18, 1899 Gregorian
October 6, 1899 Julian
Cheshvan 14, 5660 Hebrew
- August 18, 1922August 18, 1922 Gregorian
August 5, 1922 Julian
Av 24, 5682 Hebrew


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