The meaning of life is that it stops.

Franz Kafka

Telzel Bachrach

Telzel Bachrach

Telzel  Bachrach


Family tree

Telzel Bachrach

(about 1615about 1615 Gregorian
about 1614 Julian
about 5375 Hebrew
, Pohorelice - 16691669 Gregorian
1668 Julian
5429 Hebrew
, Prague)

(15751575 Gregorian
1575 Julian
5335 Hebrew
- May 12, 1615May 12, 1615 Gregorian
May 2, 1615 Julian
Iyar 13, 5375 Hebrew
, Gernsheim)

(15801580 Gregorian
1580 Julian
5340 Hebrew
, Prague - 16511651 Gregorian
1650 Julian
5411 Hebrew
, Sofia)

(about 1610about 1610 Gregorian
about 1609 Julian
about 5370 Hebrew
- )

(16471647 Gregorian
1646 Julian
5407 Hebrew
, Prague - 17291729 Gregorian
1728 Julian
5489 Hebrew


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