Faibus Gorman
Faibus Gorman
18521852 Gregorian
1851 Julian
5612 Hebrew Miloslavichi, Belarus -
19221922 Gregorian
1921 Julian
5682 Hebrew Roslavl, Russia -
- Parents
- Partners
- Children
- Living places
Family tree
Faibus Gorman
(18521852 Gregorian
1851 Julian
5612 Hebrew, Miloslavichi - 19221922 Gregorian
1921 Julian
5682 Hebrew, Roslavl)
(18941894 Gregorian
1893 Julian
5654 Hebrew - 19611961 Gregorian
1960 Julian
5721 Hebrew, Gorkij)
(18811881 Gregorian
1880 Julian
5641 Hebrew, Miloslavichi - December 11, 1956December 11, 1956 Gregorian
November 28, 1956 Julian
Teveth 7, 5717 Hebrew, Gomel)
(18601860 Gregorian
1859 Julian
5620 Hebrew, Miloslavichi - 19391939 Gregorian
1938 Julian
5699 Hebrew, Roslavl)
This information was published by the user Igor Bobrikin. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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