How shall we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land?


Yuliya Vasilevna Vasilyev

Yuliya Vasilevna Vasilyev

Yuliya Vasilevna Vasilyev


Family tree

Yuliya Vasilevna Vasilyev

(September 14, 1930September 14, 1930 Gregorian
September 1, 1930 Julian
Elul 21, 5690 Hebrew
- November 13, 2003November 13, 2003 Gregorian
October 31, 2003 Julian
Cheshvan 18, 5764 Hebrew

(March 18, 1909March 18, 1909 Gregorian
March 5, 1909 Julian
Adar 25, 5669 Hebrew
- )

(June 2, 1912June 2, 1912 Gregorian
May 20, 1912 Julian
Sivan 17, 5672 Hebrew
- September 21, 2000September 21, 2000 Gregorian
September 8, 2000 Julian
Elul 21, 5760 Hebrew

(about 1924about 1924 Gregorian
about 1923 Julian
about 5684 Hebrew
- about 1998about 1998 Gregorian
about 1997 Julian
about 5758 Hebrew

(about 1953about 1953 Gregorian
about 1952 Julian
about 5713 Hebrew
- about 2015about 2015 Gregorian
about 2014 Julian
about 5775 Hebrew

(October 12, 1957October 12, 1957 Gregorian
September 29, 1957 Julian
Tishrei 17, 5718 Hebrew
- )

(about 1960about 1960 Gregorian
about 1959 Julian
about 5720 Hebrew
- about 1960about 1960 Gregorian
about 1959 Julian
about 5720 Hebrew


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