If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And when I am for myself, what am 'I'? And if not now, when?

Pirkey Avot 1:13

Jacob E. Epstein

Jacob E. Epstein

Jacob E. Epstein
  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Physical activity -
    activity related to active physical labor or interaction with nature.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • sportsman,
    • soldier,
    • hunter, etc.
    Enterprise -
    activity related to business and commercial work.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • manager,
    • businessman,
    • director,
    • high-level bureaucrat, etc.
  • Tags
    Converted to Christianity, Jewish,
  • Comments
    Варшавский купец из Пилицы, учредитель банкирского дома, основатель варшавской больницы, масон, офицер польской армии. Из 4-х его сыновей - Ян перешел в католичество. Внуки же его окрестились все.
  • Information source
    польская википедия Якуб Эпштейн и книга «Евреи Христиане. Историко-генеалогические заметки» И.К. Ахтошевский, Тель-Авив 1970 г., стр.19.


Family tree

Jacob E. Epstein

(17711771 Gregorian
1770 Julian
5531 Hebrew
, Pilica - August 16, 1843August 16, 1843 Gregorian
August 4, 1843 Julian
Av 20, 5603 Hebrew
, Warsaw)

(17801780 Gregorian
1779 Julian
5540 Hebrew
- 18491849 Gregorian
1848 Julian
5609 Hebrew

(17951795 Gregorian
1794 Julian
5555 Hebrew
, Warsaw - August 15, 1876August 15, 1876 Gregorian
August 3, 1876 Julian
Av 25, 5636 Hebrew

(December 24, 1800December 24, 1800 Gregorian
December 12, 1800 Julian
Teveth 8, 5561 Hebrew
, Warsaw - March 24, 1870March 24, 1870 Gregorian
March 12, 1870 Julian
Adar_2 21, 5630 Hebrew
, Warsaw)

(October 9, 1805October 9, 1805 Gregorian
September 27, 1805 Julian
Tishrei 16, 5566 Hebrew
, Warsaw - January 21, 1885January 21, 1885 Gregorian
January 9, 1885 Julian
Shevat 5, 5645 Hebrew
, Warsaw)

(18061806 Gregorian
1805 Julian
5566 Hebrew
, Warsaw - October 25, 1867October 25, 1867 Gregorian
October 13, 1867 Julian
Tishrei 26, 5628 Hebrew
, Warsaw)

(18081808 Gregorian
1807 Julian
5568 Hebrew
- 18721872 Gregorian
1871 Julian
5632 Hebrew

(about 1810about 1810 Gregorian
about 1809 Julian
about 5570 Hebrew
- )


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