Alexander Korota
Alexander Korota
April 24, 1927April 24, 1927 Gregorian
April 11, 1927 Julian
Nisan 22, 5687 Hebrew St.verhovcevo Verhnedneprovskogo Rajona Dnepropetrovskoj Oblasti, Ukraine -
19831983 Gregorian
1982 Julian
5743 Hebrew G.volnogorsk Verhnedneprovskogo Rajona Dnepropetrovskoj Oblasti, Ukraine -
- Parents
- Children
- Living places
служил на Балтийском флоте
Family tree
Alexander Korota
(April 24, 1927April 24, 1927 Gregorian
April 11, 1927 Julian
Nisan 22, 5687 Hebrew, St.verhovcevo Verhnedneprovskogo Rajona Dnepropetrovskoj Oblasti - 19831983 Gregorian
1982 Julian
5743 Hebrew, G.volnogorsk Verhnedneprovskogo Rajona Dnepropetrovskoj Oblasti)
(July 21, 1960July 21, 1960 Gregorian
July 8, 1960 Julian
Tammuz 26, 5720 Hebrew, Kiselevsk - )
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